5.1 fixes the keyboard layout problem present in 5.0.
The bug came from a bad change in a unstable version of live-initramfs from the otherwise fabulous Debian Live project.
The 5.1 package list will show that Webconverger now utilises the 2.6.30 kernel, which means even better hardware compatibilty. The Firefox 3.0.x based browser has been also updated with a minor security fix.
I've just come from Debconf9 in Spain, with the following bits of news:
- Debian Installer has been fixed on USB installs
- Some other interesting installer options are being worked on, so perhaps in future you can install Webconverger without requiring a reboot
For debugging Webconverger or rather live-initramfs the boot
option break=top
is super useful. To speed up builds, try building on ram with
mount -t tmpfs -o size=1G tmpfs /path/to/mountpoint
In not so good news Iceweasel 3.5.x is proving a pain to backport. I am seriously considering using the official static builds instead.
For now please download Webconverger 5.1 and please report any bugs to feedback2009@webconverger.com or the mailing list. Enjoy!